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opp. Mysaloon NMC - Al Fayha - Sharjah - UAE

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Mon - Sat : 06 AM - 06 PM



Milano offers state-of-the-art facilities designed to provide a safe and nurturing environment for your child’s early education journey.

Play Group


Milano Nursery is dedicated to provide a nurturing and stimulating environment for infants and toddlers aged 45 days to 2 years. Our comprehensive program is designed to cater to the unique needs of each child during these crucial early years of development. Here’s a glimpse of what we offer:

1. Personalized Care: At Milano Nursery, we understand that every child is unique. Our experienced caregivers work closely with parents to understand each child’s routine, preferences, and developmental milestones. This personalized approach ensures that each child receives the attention and care they need to thrive.
2. Safe and Engaging Spaces: Our nursery is thoughtfully designed to create a safe and comfortable atmosphere for our young learners. Childproofed spaces, age-appropriate toys, and soft play areas encourage exploration and curiosity while ensuring their safety.
3. Nurturing Relationships: We believe that strong relationships are at the core of early childhood development. Our caregivers build loving and responsive bonds with each child, promoting emotional security and attachment that are essential for healthy growth.

4. Sensory Exploration: The world is a sensory wonderland for infants and toddlers. Milano Nursery offers a range of sensory experiences to stimulate cognitive and motor skills development. Activities like tummy time, textured play, and sensory-rich materials engage their senses and curiosity.
5. Language Enrichment: Even at a young age, children are absorbing language cues from their environment. Our caregivers engage in gentle conversations, sing songs, and read stories to support language development and early communication skills.
6. Creative Expression: Creativity knows no age limit. Through age-appropriate art activities and exploration of various textures and materials, children are encouraged to express themselves creatively, fostering their imagination and fine motor skills.
7. Nutrition and Mealtime: Milano Nursery ensures that children receive balanced and nutritious meals and snacks. We work in accordance with parents’ preferences and dietary requirements to provide healthy and age-appropriate food.
8. Outdoor Exploration: Weather permitting, outdoor playtime is an integral part of our program. Fresh air and outdoor play contribute to physical development and provide new opportunities for exploration and learning.
9. Parent Partnership: We value open communication with parents. Regular updates on your child’s activities, milestones, and daily routines help you stay connected with their progress.
10. Transitional Support: As children approach the age of transitioning to the next phase, we provide a smooth transition plan to ensure their comfort and readiness for new experiences.

Milano Nursery is committed to foster a holistic learning environment that prioritizes each child’s well-being, development, and happiness. Our experienced team is dedicated to create a foundation for a lifetime of learning and growth during these formative years.

Milano Juniors


Milano Nursery is excited to embark on the journey of nurturing and guiding children aged 2 to 3 years through this pivotal stage of early childhood development. Our comprehensive program is thoughtfully designed to meet the evolving needs and curiosities of these young learners. Here’s an overview of what we offer:

1. Play-Based Learning: Play is the heart of early childhood education. At Milano Nursery, we create a play-based environment that encourages hands-on exploration, imaginative play, and interactive learning. Through play, children develop cognitive, social, and motor skills while having fun.
2. Language and Communication: The toddler years are marked by language development. Our experienced educators engage children in conversations, storytelling, and interactive activities that support vocabulary growth, communication skills, and early literacy.
3. Socialization Skills: Interacting with peers is a crucial aspect of this age group. We facilitate structured and unstructured playtime that encourages sharing, cooperation, and the development of social skills, helping children form friendships and build positive relationships.

4. Emotional Development: Milano Nursery values the emotional well-being of each child. Our educators create a safe and supportive environment where children can express their feelings, develop self-awareness, and learn healthy ways to manage emotions.
5. Cognitive Exploration: Curiosity knows no bounds at this age. Our curriculum includes age-appropriate activities that challenge children’s cognitive abilities. Through puzzles, sorting games, and simple problem-solving tasks, we encourage critical thinking and curiosity.
6. Creative Expression: Art and creativity are celebrated at Milano Nursery. Children are provided with various materials and opportunities to engage in creative expression, promoting fine motor skills, imagination, and self-confidence.
7. Physical Development: Gross motor skills are further honed through active play and movement. Outdoor activities, games that involve coordination, and dancing help children develop their physical abilities in an enjoyable way.
8. Introduction to Routine: As children transition to a more structured routine, we offer a balanced schedule that includes learning time, playtime, mealtime, and rest. A consistent routine provides a sense of security and helps children understand expectations.
9. Exploration of Nature: Weather permitting, outdoor exploration continues to be a vital part of our program. Nature walks, outdoor games, and gardening activities connect children with the natural world and promote a sense of wonder.
10.Parent Collaboration: We believe in a strong partnership with parents. Regular communication, parent-teacher meetings, and progress updates keep you informed about your child’s development and experiences.

At Milano Nursery, we are committed to providing a nurturing, stimulating, and enriching environment that lays the foundation for a lifetime of learning. Our educators are dedicated to guiding each child’s growth in a way that respects their individuality, encourages their curiosity, and fosters a love for learning.

Milano Seniors


Milano Nursery is thrilled to embark on the next phase of a child’s educational journey, catering to children aged 3 to 5 years. Our program is carefully crafted to foster holistic development, instill a love for learning, and prepare children for their future educational endeavors. Here’s a glimpse into what we offer:

1. Holistic Curriculum: Our curriculum for this age group is designed to stimulate cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development. It blends structured learning with hands-on experiences to ensure a well-rounded educational journey.
2. Early Literacy and Numeracy: Children at this stage are ready to explore the foundations of literacy and numeracy. Our educators use interactive activities, storytelling, and games to introduce letters, numbers, basic phonics, and early math concepts in an engaging manner.
3. Problem-Solving Skills: Critical thinking and problem-solving skills are nurtured through age-appropriate puzzles, games, and activities that encourage children to think creatively, make decisions, and find solutions independently.


4. Language Enrichment: Communication skills are further enhanced through group discussions, show-and-tell sessions, and story time. Children are encouraged to express themselves clearly and listen actively to their peers.
5. Social Development: Cooperative play and group activities form an integral part of our program. Children learn valuable social skills such as sharing, teamwork, empathy, and effective communication through interactive play and collaborative projects.
6. Creative Expression: Art, music, and drama are celebrated at Milano Nursery. Children have opportunities to explore various art mediums, engage in imaginative play, and participate in simple dramatic performances, fostering self-expression and creativity.
7. Science and Exploration: Curiosity about the world around them is at its peak during these years. Our program includes hands-on science experiments, nature exploration, and activities that encourage children to ask questions and seek answers through observation and experimentation.
8. Physical Development: Gross and fine motor skills continue to be honed through organized sports, movement games, and activities that require coordination, balance, and control.
9. Cultural Awareness: We introduce children to different cultures, customs, and celebrations, promoting open-mindedness and respect for diversity.
10.Preparation for School: As children approach school age, we focus on preparing them for the transition to formal education. We foster a sense of responsibility, independence, and classroom etiquette, helping them feel confident and excited about the next step.
11.Parent Collaboration: Milano Nursery believes in strong collaboration between educators and parents. Regular updates, parent-teacher meetings, and opportunities for parental involvement ensure that you are actively engaged in your child’s educational journey.

At Milano Nursery, we are committed to providing a nurturing and stimulating environment that encourages children to explore, learn, and grow. Our educators are dedicated to cultivating a passion for learning, curiosity, and a strong foundation that will set children on a path to success in their academic and personal lives.

come visit Milano Nursery for yourself so you can tour the rooms and meet some of our educators. We offer high quality early education.

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